
Welcome to my blog.Here is where I'll say all the truth about me myself and I.I raise my right hand and I swear to say the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth,so help me god.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hi all, I know I'm not coming very often these days, but I'm very busy, I'm tired, I'm stressed, I'm sick...Anyway, I'll come back to it another day, today I'm coming to put another video, I think u'll like it, it takes place in a high school classroom, students are having an exam, it:

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I got a question, do u think there is a link between miss world program and the world cup soccer?
Yes?.. No?... No?... Yes???U don't this...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

4years ago, when I registered in my business school, I had no idea of the general atmosphere, I arrived one week late, I thought it would be harder to adapt because they all already started to know each other, but, I wasa talking with them as if I've been knowing them all my life, and, quickly we all became good friends, most of them even became my best friends, and are for most, more important than my secondary family (uncles, aunts, cousins...). I'm not going to talk again about the graduation, I just wanted to wish a happy birthday to one of these people I'm talking about, her name is Carole, and I particularly like her, because "elle est vraie" as we say in French, which means she is true and sincere (sometimes 2 english words do not give the same intensity as one word in French); that's very rare nowadays.She was my neighbour in France, we often were visiting each other, we were very close, now she is in the USA making her Master. I wish her luck.

Monday, September 18, 2006

I know I was missing these few days, I was sick, and I still haven't seen a doctor, I'll go tomorrow for sure, I'm so sick that I'll need drugs to recover this time.
I'm back from my neighbour's house(03:30am), it's now a month, we visit each other, sometimes he comes uptsair, sometimes I go downstair. The only thing is that we hardly ever meet before 11:00pm lolll, in fact most of the time he visits me at 02:00am (I'm not even better),once he came at 05:00am, he thought I was sleeping as I didn't open the door, I found it strange because I wasn't sleeping and I did not hear him knocking at the door either, I concluded I surely was taking a shower or brushing my hair loll. We are the only people awake in the whole building lol. We could be paid to entertain the building, but in reality, we should feel lucky that none of our neighbour complained about us. I admit I'm happy that someone as nice, as funny, and as late sleeper guy is living so close.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wow... I've just tried an incredible game. As far as Im concerned it worked twice, you can choose among 24 languages to test the game and see the pertinence of the program.
In some words, u gotta think about something, somebody or wathever..and the program has to read in your mind thanks to 20Q.

20Q game

Monday, September 11, 2006

Depuis quelques nuits, un beau mâle aux yeux verts vient me rendre visite, dès qu'il est à ma porte je le sais, il n'a meme pas besoin de frapper, en fait je l'entends, il se fait entendre, il miaule tellement fort que si je ne lui ouvre pas ma voisine du dessous va monter voir ce qu'il se passe.Il a un beau poil roux, et de beaux yeux verts, c'est un chat abandonné j'imagine, qui se balade dans notre immeuble depuis quelques semaines,tout l'immeuble s'est mobilisé pour lui donner à manger, mais je m'inquiete un peu pr lui l'hiver risque d'etre rude, si jamais quelqu'un recherche un beau chat (il est meme tatoué) qu'il prenne contact avec moi.Il est calme, affectueux et propre. J'hesite à l'adopter moi meme, j'y pense en fait...mais vu que je ne suis pas stable moi meme je me demande si je pourrais m'en occuper.
Already 5 years since the attacks on the world trade center, making almost 3000 victims. I wanted to have a special thought to all the victims and their families.I can imagine how difficult it can be, and how unfair it is.The people who made these attacks thought they would revenge, but they just attacked innocents people at their work. That's just a coward attitude, it's too easy to attack people from their back,anyone can do it. If Al Quaeda has a problem with the US, they should have attacked the white house (I know they planned...), what I mean from that it's that they should attack the government not the citizens. I hope this will be the last terrorism attack, I also hope all the wars will stop, I'm fed up to see innocent people dying cuz of unresponsible people, whatever they are on politic or just terrosists. We should discuss and find a solution, isn't it enough, with the WWI and the WWII, do u want a third one? maybe we already are in.This gives a pessimistic outlook for the futur.
heyy, I've not been posting these 2 last days because I was tired, I worked on friday and saturday, my role was to present and boost the sales for the palm tungsten X. First, we've had a formation on wednesday, and then I started working on friday at a FNAC store. The colleagues are great, the atmosphere is nice and cool. I've meet a fun guy, living at Lille, he is in the math stuff studies, wow... it was sometimes difficult to be serious when he was around, but I had to. He was demonstrating the new nokia the N93, very expensive (more than 800€), but very performant device...It was a good week end.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Je la fait en français aujourd'hui, j'avais un rdv ds le 17eme aujourd'hui, très naturellement je m'y rends, sur le chemin du retour, j'etais fatiguée, la tete ailleurs pensant à 1000 et 1 choses en meme temps, comme d'habitude, je leve la tete, et la je vois une tete qui ne m'est pas inconnue, à ouiii c'est Christophe le vainqueur de la nouvelle star, wow, il etait speed, je n'ai meme pas u le temps de realiser la chose, que deja il s'etait confondu ds la masse au loin. Il etait accompagné d'une blonde d'ailleurs elle ressemble à la fille sur la video, coincidence ou pas...aucune idée...J'en revenai tellement pas que moi qui voulais entrer à darty je suis rentrée ds le magasin avant et je me suis retrouvé à naf naf loll...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

wow...she is 11 years old!?!

UN-BE-LIE-VA-BLE isn't it...(of course she won...don't even ask urself!)
The mice video has recorded a great success, and I do think it's the best video of the blog,that's why I've been looking for another video with mice, and good news I did find one, we still have the same hysterical reaction, but this time, the mouse is really shocked, have a look!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Quel week end!Je suis tellement fatiguée et courbaturé que je ne pouvais rien écrire avant!J'ai tjrs aussi mal aux bras, au jambes et aux abdos, g d hematomes partout sur mon corps, mais je garde de bons souvenirs de ce week end un peu special et très remué. Alors que s'est-il passé? Samedi on a fait un pique nique regroupant une 40aines de personnes, 4 guitares, 1 violon, une batte de baseball, un ballon mutli usage loll (foot, volley, meme un sport qu'on a crée ns meme, tete/pied/main).On a mangé, discuté, rigolé, chanté (bon parfois c t plus du chant j'avoue!). Voila quelques photos de la journée de samedi.

Ok, on me voit pas très bien sur la première mais je voulais une photo de groupe en voila une autre, non ce n'est pas de l'alcool que j'ai ds mon verre, mais je n'explique cependant pas mes yeux de merlan fris et mon air beat loll.
Voila, pour samedi....passons maintenant à dimanche.....

Alors que dire de dimanche si ce n'est que j'etais moins impatiente deja vu que dimanche on etait une 15aine a tenter l'exerience de l'accrobranche( pour resumer tres birevement ca consiste a faire differentes activités à 15metres du sol minimum, avec pour securité 1 baudrier et 2 mousquetons (super qd on a le vertige!), bref stressée tte la nuit à n'en pas dormir, super fraiche le dimanche donc!
Toujours stressée pendant le trajet puisque je ne savais pas ce que je trouverais sur place ni comment je reagirai (par vomissement, par evanouissement...).et... puis, agreable surprise sur le terrain tout le trac disparait et laisse place à l'euphorie. Certes, il y avait d moment delicas, d blocages, d chutes (bon ca m'est pas arrivé, je touche du bois, je crois meme que j'en ai assez touché pr toute une vie!) d gens qui te filment qd tu galeres à 4 pattes...Mais le seul veritable hic g envie de dire c'est qu'il n'est pas possible de descendre de la plate forme, une fois engagé ds le parcours il faut presque le faire en entier, il n'y à pas d'echelle pour descendre au bout de chaque etape,too bad! Alors, forcement parfois on stresse, et à defaut de pouvoir faire marche arriere on est obligé de continuer, en se disant qu'au pire on mourra. Alors, a titre indicatif, au debut on signe un papier, certains l'ont appelé "testament" d'autre "signer sa mort" etc... alors il faut savoir que s'il vous arrive quoi que ce soit sur les lieux ca ne sera pas leur faute, si vous mourrez ce n'est k vous qu'il faudra vs y prendre mais bon comme vs serez mort je sais pas comment vs allez vs en prendre à vs meme!
Une fois l'accro fini, on a decompressé: alors certains ont plongé ds le lac, d'autres ont dormi , d'autres ris, d'autres bu ou mangé enfin chacun avait sa maniere!

Moins drole sur le retour on etait 6 galeriens à attendre le taxi qui aurait du venir 15min apres le coup de fil qu'on avait passé et qui 45 bonnes minutes apres etait tjrs pas la, bien sur,on a du rappeler pr qu'il vienne, alors celui la du coup, il devait venir au bout de 10min et 5min apres il etait deja la, bon on a pas essayé de comprendre mais plutot profité du confort et de la clim (je dirai pas qu'on en avait besoin). A la gare on en avait pr 45min ds le rer, que fait on qd on est 6 et une guitare?Je vs le donne en mille on sort la guitare et on se fait un medley, du coup les 45min passent plus vite.Bien sur ds le rer tt le monde ns regarde comme si on venait de la 15eme dimension, on a failli sortir la casquette et faire la manche ds le metro, lolll, je suis pas sure qu'on aurait recolté bcp d'argent lolll.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Wanna see a canadian (the Hockey President's daughter!) singing the american anthem?I got it! My uncle told me about this video he is a sport teacher and consequently he's all the time watching eurosport. Personally, I get bored watching that kind of programs...each to his own!

Or how to make oneself look ridiculous in 3 steps...
Do u believe in god?

Billy Graham's daughter was interviewed on the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her "How could God let something like this happen?" (regarding the attacks on Sept. 11).
Anne Graham gave an extremely profound and insightful response.
She said "I believe God is deeply saddened by this, just as we are, but for years we've been telling God to get out of our schools, to get out of our government and to get out of our lives.
And being the gentleman He is, I believe He has calmly backed out.
How can we expect God to give us His blessing and His protection if we demand He leave us alone?"
In light of recent events...terrorists attack, school shootings, etc.
I think it started when Madeleine Murray O'Hare (she was murdered, her body found recently) complained she didn't want prayer in our schools, and we said OK.
Then someone said you better not read the Bible in school ... the Bible says thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, and love your neighbor as yourself. And we said OK.
Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn't spank our children when they misbehave because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock's son committed suicide).
We said an expert should know what he's talking about. And we said OK.
Now we're asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don't know right from wrong, and why it doesn't bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.
Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out.
I think it has a great deal to do with "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW."

Funny how simple it is for people to trash God and then wonder why the world's going to hell.

Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but question what the Bible says.

Funny how you can send 'jokes' through e-mail and they spread like wildfire but when you start sending messages regarding the Lord, people think twice about sharing.

Funny how lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene articles pass freely through cyberspace, but public discussion of God is suppressed in the school and workplace.

Funny how when you forward this message, you will not send it to many on your address list because you're not sure what they believe, or what they WILL think of you for sending it. Funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us.
A child wants to jump in the swimming pool but............

but...he probably forgot his glasses
U have some doubt about ur friend? Does he/she really likes u?Here's a good way to know if u count for him/her.